Maps of Antietam

Layout 1About the book:

The book came out in 2012– just in time for the 150th Anniversary of the battle.  I never know exactly how many maps will be in a book until I finish it.  This one surprised me as it included more than I had anticipated– 124.  All are in color and it was again published by Savas Beatie.  It runs 326 pages and includes an order of battle, bibliography, endnotes, index, and an interview of me.  It lists for $39.99, but I sell it for $32.00

The background story:

I was anxious to get on to this book after completing the Maps of First Bull Run.  I had abandoned the idea of completing the books in a chronological order and decided to go with what many would consider to be the second favorite campaign (after Gettysburg).  The book came out without a hitch and I am very proud of it.  Like my others, I learned so much about the battle, about the Harpers Ferry siege, about the South Mountain battles, and about the battle of Shepherdstown, after Antietam.

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