Maps of First Bull Run On Sale!

The Maps of First Bull Run was my second map book. I had to hurry it along so it would be available in time for the 150th Anniversary.

I have a number of these hardback books in my attic, and yes, there is a story of why I have so many.

Storing books in a warehouse is expensive for a publisher and sometimes a title becomes too expensive to store, especially when there are many copies and the market is small.

Savas Beatie had to reduce its stock of this volume a couple of years ago. They offered me a lower price for each and those that I could not/would not buy, would be “pulped.” Yep, it’s what it sounds like– destroyed and the paper used to produce fresh paper.

I decided to buy several boxes and they are sitting in my attic, so as we approach the holiday season, I am selling them at $10 apiece and $5 for shipping. Not bad for a book that retails for $34.95.

The book follows the action from the time Gen. Irvin McDowell’s Union army leaves Washington and heads south.

It covers the movement of Johnston’s small army from the Shenandoah Valley to Manassas, and the preliminary fight at Blackburn’s Ford between James Longstreet’s brigade and Israel Richardson’s brigade is covered in several maps.

The battle of First Bull Run is covered in 26 maps.

The action at Ball’s Bluff is covered in 11 maps.

If you are interested in taking a copy of the books off of my hands for $10 (plus postage), send me an email. I can inscribe it or just sign it.

My email address is:

4 thoughts on “Maps of First Bull Run On Sale!

  1. I went on a trip to visit Manassas this past fall and this book was invaluable as every one in the series is. You need this on your shelf.

      • Happy New Year Brad

        Hope you have a healthy and prosperous 2024. Looking forward to your latest Maps book and Civil War Emerging Series book. What are the expected release dates? Also, can you please give an update on what else you’ve been working on? Thankyou

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